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2012-2013 Chinas Corn and Corn Deep-Processing Market Review and Outlook

【报告名称】2012-2013 Chinas Corn and Corn Deep-Processing Market Review and Outlook
【关 键 字】:

Corn and Corn Deep-Processing

【出版日期】:Feb/2013 【报告格式】:电子版或纸介版
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【Report Name】:2012-2013 Chinas Corn and Corn Deep-Processing Market Review and Outlook
【Report Code】:IG
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Table of Contents

1 External Environment of China’s Corn and Corn Deep-Processing Industry in      
1.1 Macro-Economy and Its Impact    
1.2 GM Crop Policy and Its Impact
1.3 National Reserve Policy and Its Impact
1.4 Industry Development Policy and Its Impact
1.5 Trade Policy and Its Impact 
2 China’s Corn Production in 2012
2.1 Corn Planting
2.1.1 Planting Area 
2.1.2 Unit Yield and Output
2.1.3 Main Production Region
2.1.4 Position of China’s Corn Produciton in World Corn Production  
2.2 Corn Circulation 
2.2.1 Corn Planting Housholds
2.2.2 Corn Deep-Processing Enterprises
2.2.3 Corn Traders
2.2.4 National Purchase and Reserve 
2.3 Planting Profit 
2.3.1 Produciton Cost
2.3.2 Sales Revenue
2.3.3 Planting Profit 
3 China’s Corn Consumption in 2012
3.1 Analysis of China’s Corn Consumption Structure 
3.2 Food Consumption of Corn  
3.3 Feed Consumption of Corn 
3.4 Industrial Consumption of Corn 
3.5Contrast between Feed Price Trend and Corn Price Trend 
3.6Analysis of the Correlation between Feed Deep-Processing Profit and Corn Price Trend  
4 China’s Corn Trade in 2012
4.1Analysis of Corn Import Volume and Import Price 
4.1.1Analysis of Corn Import by Port
4.1.2 Analysis of Corn Import by Country 
4.1.3 Analysis of Corn Import by Province 
4.2 Analysis of Corn Export Volume and Export Price
4.2.1 Analysis of Corn Export by Port
4.2.2 Analysis of Corn Export by Country
4.2.3 Analysis of Corn Export by Province 
4.3Analysis of Major Corn Import & Export Enterprises 
4.3.1 Major Corn Import Enterprises and Import Quota
4.3.2 Major Corn Export Enterprises and Export Quota
4.4 Estimation of China’s Corn Import & Export  
4.5Impact of China’s Ending Corn Inventory Changes 
5 Analysis of China’s Corn Spot and Futures Market in 2012
5.1Analysis of the Development Trend of Corn Futures Market 
5.1.1Analysis of Price Changes in Corn Futures Market in Chicago, USA
5.1.2 Analysis of Price Changes in Corn Futures Market in Dalian, China 
5.2Analysis of the Development Trend of Corn Spot Market 
5.2.1Analysis of National Average Corn Price Changes 
5.2.2Analysis of Price Changes in Corn Production Regions
5.2.3 Analysis of Price Changes in Corn Sales Regions
5.2.4 Analysis of Price Changes in Corn Ports
5.3Estimation of and Comparison between Corn Prices in China’s Corn Spot and Futures Market 
6 Status Quo of China’s Corn Deep-Processing Industry in 2012
6.1Development Course of China’s Corn Deep-Processing Industry 
6.2 Regional Distribuiton of China’s Corn Deep-Processing Industry 
6.3 China’s Major Deep-Processed Corn Products and Analysis of Products Structure  
6.4 Analysis of Corn Consumption Structure
6.5 Analysis of Import &Export Structure 
6.6 Statisitics of the Production Capacity and Utilization Rate of Corn Deep-Processing Enterprises
6.6.1 China’s Corn Deep-Processing Produciton Capacity and Estimation of Corn Consumpiton in 2012
6.6.2 Estimaiton of China’s Corn Deep-Processing Produciton Capacity/Output by Province( over 100 enterprises) 
6.7 Review of Events in China’s Corn Deep-Processing Market  
7 Overall Analysis of China’s Corn Deep-Processing Industry in 2012 
7.1 Review of China’s Starch Market in 2012
7.1.1 Industry Movements
7.1.2 Analysis of Raw Material 
7.1.3 Analysis of Supply &Demand 
7.1.4 Regional Distribution 
7.1.5 Concentration Degree
7.1.6 Trend of Price Changes 
7.1.7 Processing Profit 
7.1.8Analysis of Import &Export 
7.2  Review of China’s Modified Starch Market in 2012
7.2.1Industry Movements
7.2.2Analysis of Supply & Demand
7.2.3Regional Distribution
7.2.4Concentration Degree
7.2.5Trend of Price Changes
7.2.6Analysis of Import & Export
7.3 Review of China’s Starch Sugar Market in 2012
7.3.1 Industry Movements
7.3.2 Analysis of Supply & Demand
7.3.3 Regional Distribution
7.3.4 Concentration Degree
7.3.5 Trend of Price Changes
7.3.6 Analysis of Import & Export
7.4 Review of China’s lysine Market in 2012
7.4.1 Industry Movements
7.4.2 Analysis of Supply & Demand
7.4.3 Regional Distribution
7.4.4 Concentration Degree
7.4.5 Trend of Price Changes
7.4.6 Analysis of Import & Export
7.5 Review of China’s Threonine Market in 2012
7.5.1 Industry Movements
7.5.2Analysis of Supply & Demand
7.5.3 Regional Distribution
7.5.4 Concentration Degree
7.5.5 Trend of Price Changes
7.5.6 Analysis of Import & Export
7.6 Review of China’s Alcohol and Bio-ethanol Market in 2012
7.6.1Industry Movements
7.6.2 Analysis of Raw Material 
7.6.3Analysis of Supply & Demand
7.6.4 Regional Distribution
7.6.5 Concentration Degree
7.6.6 Trend of Price Changes
7.6.7 Processing Profit 
7.6.8 Analysis of Import & Export
7.7 Review of China’s DDGS Market in 2012
7.7.1Industry Movements
7.7.2 Analysis of Supply & Demand
7.7.3 Regional Distribution
7.7.4Concentration Degree
7.7.5Trend of Price Changes
7.7.6Analysis of Import & Export
7.8 Review of China’s Monosodium Glutanate Market in 2012
7.8.1Industry Movements
7.8.2Analysis of Supply & Demand
7.8.3Regional Distribution
7.8.4Concentration Degree
7.8.5Trend of Price Changes
7.8.6Analysis of Import & Export
7.9 Review of China’s Corn Oil Market in 2012 玉米油
7.9.1Industry Movements
7.9.2Analysis of Supply & Demand
7.9.3Regional Distribution
7.9.4Concentration Degree
7.9.5Trend of Price Changes
7.9.6Analysis of Import & Export
8 Outlook of China’s Corn and Corn Deep-Processing Market in 2013
Table of Figures 
Figure2.1,Chinas Corn Planting Area in 2000-2012
Figure2.2,Chinas Corn Output in 2000-2012
Figure2.3,Chinas Unit Yield of Corn in 2000-2012
Figure2.4,Chinas Corn Output by Region in 2012
Figure2.5,Chinas Corn Output and World Corn Output in 2000-2012 
Figure2.6,Corn Output in Major Corn Production Countries in 2000-2012
Figure2.7,Constitution of Chinas Corn Production Cost in 2008-2012
Figure3.1,Chinas Corn Consumption Structure in 2006/07-2012/13
Figure3.2,Chinas Corn Price and Food Consumption of Corn in 2000-2012
Figure3.3,Chinas Corn Price and Feed Consumption of Corn in 2000-2012
Figure3.4,Chinas Consumption of Corn by Compound Feed and Self-mix Feed in 2007-2012
Figure3.5,Chinas Consumption of Corn by Each Animal Feed in 2007-2012
Figure3.6,Chinas Industrial Consumption of Corn and Corn Price in 2000-2012
Figure3.7,Chinas Monthly Price of Feed for Fattened Pig, Broiler Chicken, Layer Chicken and the Trend of Corn Price Changes in 2009-2012
Figure3.8,Chinas Monthly Profit of Feed Processing for Fattened Pig, Broiler Chicken, Layer Chicken and the Trend of Corn Price Changes in 2009-2012
Figure4.1,Chinas Corn Import Volume and Import Price in 2000-2012 (Calendar Year)
Figure4.2,Chinas Monthly Corn Import by Port in 2010-2012
Figure4.3,Chinas Monthly Corn Import by Country in 2010-2012
Figure4.4,Chinas Monthly Corn Import by Province in 2010-2012
Figure4.5,Chinas Corn Export Volume and Export Price in 2000-2012 (Calendar Year) 
Figure4.6,Chinas Monthly Corn Export by Port in 2010-2012 
Figure4.7,Chinas Monthly Corn Export by Country in 2010-2012
Figure4.8,Chinas Monthly Corn Export by Province in 2010-2012 
Figure4.9,Chinas Major Corn Import Enterprises in 2012
Figure4.10,Chinas Major Corn Export Enterprises in 2012
Figure4.11,Chinas Corn Inventory Changes and Import & Export in 1991/92-2012/13
Figure5.1,Corn Futures Price in 2000-2012 in Chicago, USA
Figure5.2,Corn Futures Price in 2000-2012 in Dalian, China 
Figure5.3,Chinas National Average Corn Price in 2008-2012
Figure5.4,Trend of Corn Price Changes in Chinas Major Corn Production Regions in 2008-2012
Figure5.5,Trend of Corn Price Changes in Chinas Major Corn Sales Regions in 2008-2012
Figure5.6,Trend of Corn Price Changes in Chinas Major Corn Ports in 2008-2012
Figure6.1,Regional Distribution of Chinas Corn Deep-Processing Enterprises 
Figure6.2,Structure of Chinas Deep-Processed Corn Products and Output in 2000-2012
Figure6.3,Chinas Corn Consumption by Corn Deep-Processing Industry in 2000-2012
Figure6.4,Structure of Chinas Deep-Processed Corn Products Import in 2000-2012
Figure6.5,Structure of Chinas Deep-Processed Corn Products Export in 2000-2012
Figure7.1,Chinas Output of Different Types of Starch in 2000-2012
Figure7.2,Proportion of Corn Consumption by Starch Production of the Total Corn Consumption by Corn Deep-Processing Industry in 2000-2012 
Figure7.3,Chinas Corn Starch Output in 2000-2012
Figure7.4,Regional Distribution of Chinas Corn Starch Processing Capacity in 2012
Figure7.5,Distribution of Chinas Corn Starch Processing Capacity in Enterprises in 2012
Figure7.6,Chinas Corn Starch Price in 2007-2012
Figure7.7,Profit of Corn Starch Processing by Chinas Large-Scale Enterprises in 2007-2012
Figure7.8,Chinas Corn Starch Import & Export Volume in 2000-2012
Figure7.9,Chinas Modified Starch Output in 2000-2012
Figure7.10,Regional Distribution of Chinas Modified Starch Processing Capacity in 2012
Figure7.11,Distribution of Chinas Modified Starch Processing Capacity in Enterprises in 2012
Figure7.12,Chinas Modified Starch Import &Export Volume in 2000-2012
Figure7.13,Chinas Starch Sugar Output in 2000-2012
Figure7.14,Regional Distribution of Chinas Starch Sugar Processing Capacity in 2012
Figure7.15,Distribution of Chinas Starch Sugar Processing Capacity in Enterprises in 2012
Figure7.16,Chinas Starch Sugar Import and Export Volume in 2000-2012
Figure7.17,Chinas Lysine Output in 2000-2012
Figure7.18,Regional Distribution of Chinas Lysine Processing Capacity in 2012
Figure7.19,Distribution of Chinas Lysine Processing Capacity in Enterprises in 2012
Figure7.20,Chinas Lysine Wholesale Price in 2002-2012
Figure7.21,Chinas Lysine Import & Export Volume in 2000-2012
Figure7.22,Chinas Threonine Output in 2000-2012
Figure7.23,Regional Distribution of Chinas Threonine Production Capacity in 2012
Figure7.24,Distribution of Chinas Threonine Production Capacity in Enterprises in 2012
Figure7.25,Chinas  Import & Export Volume of Threonine and Other Amino Acid in 2000-2012
Figure7.26,Chinas Output of Each Types of Alcohol in 2000-2012
Figure7.27,Proportion of Corn Consumption by Alcohol Production of the Total Corn Consumption by Corn Deep-Processing Industry in 2000-2012
Figure7.28,Chinas Alcohol Output in 2000-2012
Figure7.29,Regional Distribution of Chinas Fuel Ethanol Processing Capacity in 2012
Figure7.30,Distribution of Chinas Ethanol Processing Capacity in Enterprises in 2012 Figure7.31,Chinas Unmodified Ethanol Import & Export Volume in 2000-2012
Figure7.32,Chinas DDGS Output in 2010-2012
Figure7.33,Regional Distribution of Chinas DDGS Processing Capacity in 2012
Figure7.34,Trend of Chinas DDGS Price Changes in 2010-2012
Figure7.35,Chinas DDGS Import & Export Volume in 2000-2010
Figure7.36,Chinas Monosodium Glutamate Output in 2010-2010 
Figure7.37,Regional Distribution of Chinas Monosodium Glutamate Processing Capacity in 2012
Figure7.38,Distribution of Chinas Monosodium Glutamate Processing Capacity in Enterprises in 2012
Figure7.39,Chinas Monosodium Glutamate Import & Export Volume in 2000-2012 
Figure7.40,Chinas Corn Oil Output in 2000-2012
Figure7.41,Regional Distribution of Chinas Corn Oil Processing Capacity in 2012
Figure7.42,Distribution of Chinas Corn Oil Processing Capacity in Enterprises in 2012
Figure7.43,Chinas Corn Oil Import & Export Volume in 2000-2012




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