EFSA has approved the standard thatacceptable daily intake per person is 3 mg. Since more understanding ofcurcumin in medical and food industries, the sales of curcumin were rising aswell. North America andEuropeare the majorconsumption regions and import areas. Curcumin market size has expands in over17% CAGR from 2015 to 2022, the market size could reach USD94.32 million in2022.
IndiaandChinaare the major suppliers of curcumin, andIndiais the major output area of curcumin with lower cost. In 2015, the output ofcurcumin was 104 tonnes inChina,the market size has reached over USD28 million. As people have moreunderstanding on curcumin and more awareness on food health, curcumin hasshowed its huge potential in the future.
1) The Aim of Report
§ To provide readers with comprehensive and in-depthunderstanding of Chinese curcumin product industry;
§ To analyze the marketimport and export of curcumin product industry;
§ To analyze the futuretrend of curcumin product industry;
§ To analyze industrialsize of the industry;
§ To reveal opportunitiesfor curcumin product industry inChina.
2) Benefit from the Report
§ Obtain latest info of curcuminproduct industry, such as market size, price, key players, etc.;
§ Discover market potentialin upstream, downstream;
§ Find out how Chinese curcuminmarket will change and how your business can be involved in;
§ Keep informed of yourcompetitors/their activities inChina;
Learn about key market drivers, investment opportunity; Part | Contents |
| Executive Summary |
| Definition and Methodology |
1 | Curcumin Market inChina |
1.1 | Supply |
1.2 | Demand |
1.3 | Market Size |
1.3 | Market Price |
2 | Curcumin Market Import and Export |
2.1 | Import |
2.2 | Export |
3 | Curcumin Market Segments |
3.1 | Food |
3.2 | Medical |
4 | Curcumin Industry Chain |
4.1 | Upstream |
4.2 | Downstream |
5 | Chinese Bellwether Company |
5.1 | Chenguang Biotech Group Co., Ltd |
5.1.1 | Introduction |
5.1.2 | Product |
5.1.3 | Performance |
5.2 | Company B |
5.3 | Company C |
5.4 | Company D |
…………. |
6 | Conclusion and Recommendation |
| ASKCI's Legal Disclaimer |
List of Tables
Table 1 Chinese curcumin productoutput trend
Table 2 Chinese curcumin productoutput forecast
Table 3 Sales of Chinese curcuminproduct
List of Figures
Figure 1 Sales of Chinese curcuminproduct forecast
Figure 2 Chinese curcumin productindustrial chains
Figure 3 Chinese pork outputstatistics
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